
The news from the Front,


I needed the rest, I was glad for the break…Turkey was hot enough, but Aden was the pits…..Home on leave again…Blighty…glad to see here coastline at last….how long had it been?…12 years man & boy, or so it seemed to be at the last count.


I never married her see, I`d met lovely young girls from Gibralta, Senoritas from Sunny Spain, even leaned toward the Dutch for a while when passing through…It was there I Met Bunty, a precocious young thing, full of mischief and stuff, didn`t quite know what to make of her brother either, Rubin…strange sot of lad, had a gramaphone ..played "Listz " and "Beethoven" until the early hours ..long before the likes of " Julian Webber " discovered the violin…


Customs was very quick, the station was fresh with new paint, and colour was all around now, as a lad I had left in those " Black & White Days " of the 50`s..when things were clear cut, and you knew where you stood….my mind was not focussed on what I was seeing, it was like I had stepped into a time warp…the words were not familiar to me "`scuse me good sir, is it bags you are wanting to relieve yourself of ?…."


A message, in Urdu greeted my gaze as I looked up at the timetable, something I hadn`t quite expected at this point, I blinked…no, it was still there…am I dreaming?…I checked my ticket, no, all is O.K., …PORTSMOUTH was the destination….I went for coffee to recover my composure…"one lump or two dear?", a friendly local at last !….I looked everywhere conceivable for the owner of the voice, but all I could find was a small Chinese lady with a cup in her hand…


And so my world that was so secure whilst a boy, had changed, I was the traveller in my own land, I had escaped to the ends of the world, but the world had beaten me back home…I was integrated at last…but for how long?


The cracks were appearing…


My new home was in Oldham, near the Kirby Lester factory…just a small tenement building, five or so stories high, reminiscent of the flats in Beirut, where I had lost my virginity to a lady of the night…small cracks at first , that got larger as the years went on, no idea that it would happen so fast…one minute I was just another tenant ..the next I was a victim…


Racism had reared its ugly head in my district…my car had been singled out for the treatment, "British go home" was sprayed on the side, and the windscreen had been smashed and excrement had been placed inside the vehicle….I longed for my days in India when people knew how to treat a man of the cloth…Army Cloth that was ..we stood no nonsense then "…they don`t like it up `um you know !",…. was a favourite cry from the past for me….


The morning was no better, just the cold light of dawn surrounded by the Blue flash every half second from the police van that came to escort me from the building…I was guilty see, guilty of a misdemeanour…a failure the Judge called it at my trial, a failure to integrate was his very words…what me, little old me?…a lad from Pompey?…never…but it was true ..even the local rag carried the story about the man from Aden who had done wrong….


All I did was to protect myself, stand up for my rights as a British citizen, but I had been away too long it seems…my upbringing was no use to me here in this new shiny world of integration ..just a bigot I was, fodder for the press, a throwback from an Empire gone mad with colonialism for the sake of it….will I awake a new dawn ..a new era or am I trapped?


The Wilderness…


Out of the prison came the van, full of hope for the future, the time was now, the moment of truth had arrived, the lesson had been learned well…no more would I wander from the straight and narrow…I had been integrated…I was at one with my new society….


I chose the City, or was it the City chose me?…Convivial Bath, Watering Hole of the wealthy…full of the Honey of life ..Buildings of the same colour as well, the takeaways had new signs…"24 Hour Service"…" Kebabs R Us "…."Delhi Belly here".." We take Visa"…a bewildering array of choice compared to the " Chippers " of old " The Venturer"…"Sea Food" with those 6d Milk Shake machines outside…" Scallops and six penneth mate, please", was a familiar cry in those days….


Politically corrected Great Britain…or should I say politically "Grate Britain?"…I wasn`t sure anymore…I wandered the colourful streets full of street entertainers and druggies, men and women, they too integrated with our new society, supported by the new age councillors of our multilingual., mulitfaceted new found democracy.…" Le Clos restaurant " haut quisine rubbed shoulders with " Schwartz Burgers ", German by name ( Black Burgers ) but American by content…this was accepted as the norm by the school children in the queue for fast food.


The Italian presence was felt first in this country, for Ice Cream never hurt anyone did it?…nobody else wanted the job, same on the buses in the 50`s , no respectable " British " worker would take up the job …so it was then the coming of the Chinese Restaurant that brought a new culture, one of service, no clocking on & off here, worked all day to succeed where the " British " had failed ….Markets, the Cattle market in Walcot Street, long given over to the weekly street traders, from Pakistan mainly, where families knew real poverty, not I`ve only got one house , one car poverty of the "British"


It was a Family thing you see, one that our " British" culture was busy fighting to break up, the institution of Family, where parent cared for Child, and when parent became Child, Child looked after Parent … where families pooled wealth to create more, not stole from each other to out do, in the race for all things material ….this was the new way, but it was coming to late for me …I was of a different time …of Queen and Country … pink on the World Map was ours …. Ours, still, some of it,… but for how long?




A monk of a new order from Carlingcott, Bath …"Ghe Kahn" was the man who took on the Japanese at their own game, fasted for a hundred days … lost a third of his body weight, and nearly a third of his " British " mind at the same time …


We didn`t win the Battle, but we`re wining the war, the war of ignorance, integration is my theme through out this episode in my new life .. not the Mathematical kind that I had learnt at School , but the cultural kind, so essential today in our fast moving planet …the tools that I use to bring new ideas to the world, are fast becoming the same that will bind it together …


The Internet, a host of intertwined wires connecting and linking the Communities of differing cultures, those same wires could break the links as well, if used unwisely … the controls are off, no longer a political domain, is a public domain now, one where ideas are not subject to misinterpretation, where a Universal Language is beginning to develop, the language of laughter… has no natural boundaries .. no respect for religions either..


Religion , the most misunderstood item of our world, does it matter if Muslims and Jews give differing names to the "life force" that binds us together ?… are the words so different underneath it all? … life is life , wherever you are, Black life, White life , in between life, all share the same atmosphere, all have a natural right to survive….


So where to now?… Outer space ? … no difference there .. the same atomic forces bind all atoms of our Universe in the same circle of life … we are not unique surely? … As the Hubble Telescope searches for ever more distant light, it will never find the source, since the light it is looking for has long gone past us now , and as we search within ourselves for our answers, the Universe goes on, as it always will, new life for old … new life for old…. A familiar cry now in our integrated society … or is it here yet, …already, already?


In the year 2525              (Music by Zeager and Evans)


I`m here again, poised like Dr. Livingstone on the verge of another new adventure, (well it`s the kerb really but verge sounds so much better.) Thrusters are off , I descend to the flat unyielding surface of the bi-directional highway into town.

Bath, the place where the buildings live, trapped in their plastic & glass domes – where people spend life in cardboard boxes outdoors now, there is no more crime here – nothing left to steal !


On my vario-geometry, artifically enhanced, environmentally friendly Zimmer frame , I oscillate from side to side slightly as the weight of the shopping bag clenched in my right hand is absorbed by the frames bio-enhanced shock absorbers – (old age too is affecting their efficiency).

As I approach the demarcation zone I press the green button on the left arm of my Zimmer to activate the 360 degree video enhancement sensor, (which is capable of extending my vision by as much as 23 metric increments). I slowly release the grip on the shopping bag to get to the blue button which starts the transportation radar scanner ….. good, ….no noise !


Nearly there now, I get ready to activate the thrusters for ascent on the other side,….ssssssssssss…." Bosh ! " ,


The angle of declination increases slowly at first, (or could it be  the inclination?) at this moment I don`t give a damn!, the calculation 32 feet per second per second flashes up for an instant, only to disappear forever into the bi-directional highway surface.

I lie prost®ate, (listen it`s my gland not yours !) on the horizontal, my right eye is auto-scanning now , I can see a small child on a Graviton Scooter disappearing into the distance, no noise see !, their radar profile is too small for detection at long range ………… damn things should be banned!!!


I find myself in an ever expanding pool of warm liquid, two women scurry over to check me out …Blood, No… Screams, No… Bones sticking out, No…. they move on quickly , no entertainment here!!

The left eye is now opening up as well, wide open. I am suddenly blinded by a very bright white light, is it curtains for me?, will I never gaze upon the surface of the moon in awe again ?, …

Nah ! it`s only the low energy bulb above my bed !, It`s morning, I`ve done it again, .... I`ve WET MYSELF !!!!, …

It is good to be here in the BT -OSB -HRH

(The Bath Tech Old School Boys Hospital & Retirement Home !)


See you there soon boys


Convoy                                      (Music from the Film)


"Breaker 1 9, got your ears on good buddy?" .. the wheels drummed out a beat to the music as the rig rolled on to its destination .. crackles on the old C.B. radio died as it went through the pass in the mountains .. bleak and desolate ..

Bob could see the thermoprobe was covered in icicles, so no real need for him to look at the head up display for the outside temperature. Bob sighed and crept into the bunker at the back of the control pod .. the auto pilot had engage automatically as the rig entered the new tunnel.

It was over 200 miles to the other side of the Mountains, the big boring project had lasted longer than anticipated .. but it had cut the cross country trip by over 4 hours.


The railway was king long ago, " the metal road to hell " it was christened by its creators over 200 years since .. 200 hundred years, wow! .. the fuel those old machines used to consume .. a far cry form the miniature nuclear fuel plants of today ..

Still, people had to eat .. and somebody has to mount the software and prime the freezer units. Bob drifted in and out of the L.F. subterrain radio, he know the calls from other truckers would be few in the dead zone .. he wished he`d brought the Messogram from Carole with him .. he could have worked on a reply during the 90 minutes or so in the tunnel.


Nothing much happened usually, so he rolled the disc between his hands for a while .. like a woman he was caressing, slow and sensual like .. then he flipped it, twice over and over it went .. right side up .. yes !! .. shot sir! .. the drawer on the player clamed shut , whirred gently , and the image blotted out the road way vista .. time to look & listen .. and all that Jazz.


The music soaked up the anxieties of the day, soothed the aching soul .. Crack. Crack ..!!! .. bolt lke sounds came from the speaker as the induction loops passed the truck at 130 miles per hour always shook him up .. didn`t affect the digital onboard systems .. just the antique C.B analogue radio .. old habits die hard .. as do the few left on the rigs .. Rog.. from the other side of the Rockies would be bound his way soon .. he was one of the few lone stragglers riding the highways .. most people chose to download their food protein molecules whilst online, but there were those with money that wanted the real thing, and this is where people like Bob and Rog came in.


Like missionaries of the night they travelled under cover of darkness to supply the market for the unending excessive needs of the wealthy minority that still lived above ground. Their rare fresh cargoes measured not in tons, but in Kilo-Tons of goods crammed aboard a 400 yard long multiple trailer rig.


It was a bit like old "boot leg" running, but on a major scale .. it was all now taxed of course, but if you knew the right contacts .. just like all other things in this hell bent world. But the rewards for Bob were great .. and besides it was like being in a very exclusive club.

Bob sang .. and remembered his time on the highways as a boy with his father, he had showed Bob how to handle himself, and he sure did know just how to handle those lady truckers too .!


The dimness of the tunnel was being punctuated by a bead of fine intense pulsing white light .. the auto pilot had disengaged early .. funny though Bob .. never did that before .. speed was falling fast .. slower and slower.

The digital control was progressively slowing the rig .. Bob went into the driving seat .. head up display showed no faults .. but there it was .. a small, but relentless drain on the CPU performance .. damn! .. damn! .. he knew in an instant what it was ..

Damn and blast bloody Microsoft! .. bloody hell fire! ..a friggin Virus! ..


Another friggin Virus!!                      -  Back to Home Page


A Wandering mind



The News From the Front.


In the Year 2525.





Say a little Prayer for you.. Aretha Franklin.


  "Ozzy from Oddy"


"Bath – The Big Picture"


Wide screen .. what images do the words conjure up for you ? .. Cinema ? .. plush red seats, ice cream, Saturday Matinee? .. or perhaps couch potato ? .. T.V. in all its modern glory? … forget the former .. here, today, we shall concentrate our attention on the latter .. the T.V. .. Tele Vision .. from the Latin " Muchus Squarius " .. to transmit sequential moving picture images … Many happy memories of misspent childhood, scouring the Radio Times and its Television programming lists have been evoked from the recent email purporting to be from one of our long distant school mates who lived at Odd Down.


The elite of Bath, those situated on the rim of the crater that forms a natural boundary of the city limits, those fortunate few living at Combe Down, Lansdown, Beechen Cliff and the like, were experiencing a new form of home entertainment long before us Radio hugging, headphone sharing city centre bound children were. Things that we could only dream of .. Muffin the Mule .. Andy Pandy and that sexy Sue .. well, I mean how could anyone or our tender years fail to be impressed by the barrage of new images that were to enter our short little lives ?.


The mast that brought these new found pleasures to us, that collection of tubes & steel fabrication, our very own miniature Blackpool tower was taking shape, on a hillside, in the late 50`s, early 60`s and its final planned destination was to be at Odd Down, Corston View to be precise .. right where the best signal could be got from the Wenvoe VHF Television Transmitter, and where an opportunity to bring this new long awaited signal through the mass of housing that formed The Oval, Oldfield Park, and finally right on into the City Centre, right bang next to the Bus Station in Manvers Street. That was to be a resting place, and a monitoring station near the end of the tortuous journey for this much amplified Black & White 405 line signal .. do you remember 405 lines? .. waves of signal .. pulverised by aeroplanes and car ignition systems interspersed by meaningful images of Hit & Miss, Armchair Theatre, Callum, Maigret, Z Cars, Hancock, Alfred Hitchcock, and the ultimate entertainment of them all, Sunday night at the London Palladium.. All destined to capture our imaginations and sell to us awaiting information hungry masses the very latest 60`s consumables.


Telefusion .. that was the name of the Company that endeavoured to corner the market as a home entertainment provider in my small part of the world .. they were to cease to exist, just as soon as they came, when eventually that other edifice of High Technology, the Bathampton Down Television Relay Station came into being in the early 60`s on the slopes of Claverton.


This technological breakthrough refuelled my enthusiasm for all things electronic, rekindled the desire to dismantle and destroy ( unknowingly ) that which some engineer had lovingly created. I had learnt about Radio in the 50`s using the same Hit & Miss approach, when the Thermonic Valve was king and batteries were horrendously expensive. Perhaps this singular significant event was to form the foundation for the subsequent development into the hapless electronically transmogrified preoccupied individual that I have become.


I have after all been involved with communications, and Information Technology since 1963, and I lay the blame fairly and squarely at the door of The Bath Technical School, and those there who encouraged this natural curiosity to take over what was once a perfectly normal? school boy.. I just thought I would share that little bit of the Cities technological history with you all, as well as a bit of my own, as my little contribution this week to your late night reading matter. You may of course chose to print out this diatribe and commit it to the bin at your leisure, reading it is not compulsory, but it can be habit forming .. so beware ..


Perhaps there are many amongst you who would like to relate of your own experiences in our provincial City, and share some of those things that inspired you, and eventually motivated you to become who you are today.


P.S. I still haven`t heard from Ozzy from Oddy yet ..

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