
Today .. the day before tomorrow .. the one after yesterday …I can tell that the earth is tilting back again to the upright position .. (or more precisely it`s wobbling back around its axis) … my little spot on its circumference is anyway, why do I say this ? ..

Well, there is a phenomena that has not been seen in these parts since our last free trip around our luminary … the event I am witnessing is the bombardment of our atmosphere by large doses of Photons, Gamma rays and Neutrinos interspersed with heavy atomic particles ..

Shall we survive this onslaught ? .. will I be her to post tomorrow ? ..

Without going into too much complicated physics here, the answer is plain to see .. of course I will ! .. it`s only Sunshine after all !! ..

Bill, the Crisp & Crinkley


Two basic types of people here .. one looking to SURVIVE in the environment they find themselves in .. the other looking to CHANGE and improve the environment.

Who in their right mind would not protect their environment from decay ? .. only by being inspired can human beings aspire .. some feel they can only perspire .. some feel it`s time to retire ...

When the race is on you`re either a runner or a spectator .. whatever the result .. someone will always make a bet on the outcome .. only some will be winners .. you have to be able to understand the rules .. and accept the outcome of the event ..

If you study the above long enough, the message becomes plain to see ..

Bill, the Round the Houses Man


Christmas is a`coming !


This acreage of parchment I see before me .. it cries out for cover .. see as I load text into its belly it becomes more human .. more subtle ..more diffuse .. not bland and bare .. it`s "The wonder of Wollies" time again !!

The soft and warm things that we are all about to wrap ourselves up in .. the weeks ahead, the snow it doth come to us .. Ahhhh .. I can see it now ..log fires .. the brandy glasses out .. the cards on the mantle piece .. the rent collector at the door .. Hang on a minute !! ..

Who the hell said he could be in the story ? Well .. reality for some arrives early .. if you are on low income .. or just don`t know what on earth to buy everybody this year.

I mean, . after all, . it`s excess + excess every year isn`t it ? .. you spend more, just to out do the present you bought last year .. now come on, admit it .. you don`t want to be seen to be mean now .. do you ?

So, you struggle to muster the strength .. the determination to push your cards to the limit .. will I be there with you ? .. no blo..dy fear .. got more sense, me.

I`d rather give you something far more personal .. a little bit of me .. that which motivates me, and makes me ..tick .. but then again .. what if I need it myself? .. ahhh well ..maybe next year ..


Bill the Scrooge


The Trust

Filleting, and slicing with my knife .. I paused to look at my surroundings .. I had been too busy with the chase to notice it before .. a hole .. more of a covered in entrance maybe .. at the base of the embankment .. I continued with my task .. the hole I had dug for the oven was beginning to look too large .. but it was a hurried task .. of necessity .. like the task I had just undertaken .. an abhorrent but all too consuming necessary evil .. as a human being I had started my quest for freedom of choice, for what now seems, a very long time ago .. no one could share with me my life .. I was too far gone in my self indulgence for that .
I had to pursue the “right road” . this never ending road led me onward to the desolate and beautiful parts of my land .. my land .. an irony in itself .. I was unable to have a share in it .. but I was still accountable to those who also lived in it .. and lay claim to it .. heathens, unclean, they called us ..our old ways seem alien to them .. they who chose to worship the fire and the goat .. I was warming now as the flame stirred into life I saw a glint out of the corner of my eye .. near the hole in the bank .. or so I thought .. .
I stared hard, until my eyes went limpid and patchy . the darkness drew around me .. like a cloak of .. “snap” .. the sudden noise took me aback . just for a second .. then I was up and running .. I knew just where to go .. the old Oak tree .. with its big branches, casting pools of dark on the evening light .. there was no further noise .. so I waited a few more minutes to be sure , and returned to the fire .. roaring now, the crescendo of sparks was at its peak .. I strode off to the stream .. no animal would rob me now of my meal .. the flames saw to that for me .. .
I supped my fill, sprung upright again . only to see the shadow, way off to my left .. about 20 feet or so .. I could have touched it had it been light , but the gloom hampered my movement and slowed my reactions down to a crawl .. it was gone , but it was very much alive, and big , I had every reason to be afraid.
I lowered my self to the floor, next to the embers of my fire.. as I scooped away the dead wood and ash .. I contemplated my position .. at an age when most men of my ilk would be at one with the world , awake with the new life of another generation, mine was the existence of one with no future, no inheritance shall I leave to my offspring .. that fate was sealed when they attacked me, I saw the flash of the light in its eyes just before its teeth met my cheekbone .. I had committed the deadliest of sins, I had dropped my guard for too long at the fire (or what remained of it ) .. we shook together in a frenzy .. the snapping was intense, and the pain was unbelievable, with luck holding my hand, I struck the decisive blow with my flattened fist on its snout .. and It retreated .. back into the darkness .. I fumbled for some leaves to stop the flow of my juices .. my mouth still warm with the taste of it .. I gritted teeth against teeth for an eternity until the trickle stopped and the taste was gone.
As I clamber up into the welcome arms of the Oak tree .. hot food in hand, I surveyed the situation again from a different perspective, me alone, the wood for cover .. food and shelter where I could locate it ..

I ate . Dawn climbed up to meet me, astride the biggest branch against the trunk .. I was full of the wonder of the sunlight on the woodland floor .. below me I could see the remains of last nights fire .. in amongst the embers the remains of the one who came to trust me ..
As I left for new fields to find, sources of light to inspire me, I stopped by the ridge at the end of the valley, the wind was keen now, picking up as I gained more height .. I could hear it .. only just, but I could hear it as if it were my own crying ..


I had robbed the vixen of its cub ..




“Moonstone” .. a little word I came across in my gemstones book  … how the hell does a Moon get stoned? .. well, as I am of a scientific bent .. (I said scientific you guys !!.. minds eh?) … I thought (as you do), and came up with these possible scenarios for your delight … .


I`ll get stuck in, so as to avoid all the usual waffle associated with this sort of subject .. well, you know what I mean don`t you ? … all the usual  preliminaries .. the definitions .. the build up .. sorry, I diversify (yet again)


The Moon .. Satellite of a planet .. stoned for millions of earth years , by lumbering great rocks fling through space .. bosh !!! .. whump .!!!, and a new crater appears .. the dust eventually settles and another indentation will become the focus of attention for lots of little blokes and ladies armed with long tubes fitted with optical lenses of various power.


So, you get the picture, the usual concept of how Moons get stoned … how the hell people knew about this stoning, before Galileo got his brainwave about peering for a living that is. You know it`s strange  isn`t it ? … most people would get arrested for doing what he did .. all those years ago .. another time .. a world of innocence … and chariots.

Now you`ve reached this far in this wondrous pile of words, just hoping above all hope that enlightenment will have surfaced for you by now … The bad news is of course, the usual disclaimers apply at about this time ...


I will however, make suitable allowances for those who have read this far,  and reward them with another meaningless little piece of knowledge .. our Moon is the same diameter as the circumference of our planet Earth  divided by that old famous calculation, Pi .. 3.142 etc etc.


What the hell Pi has to do with all this is of course totally irrelevant, but I include this little snippet for the more mathematical amongst us.

So there you have it , in it`s glory, another piece of wasted paper and ink .. and Moonstone ? … it`s a little gem isn`t it ?


News Flash .. Flood alert


The City of Bath is today awash with water, and about nothing much else as I speak , the flood prevention scheme is holding it`s own at the moment, the local council have implemented emergency plans to prevent massive loss of income from tourism.


In a misguided attempt at averting all out disaster to this years trading figures emergency “Pak a Mack“ stations have been established at all the major “park and rides“ .. this response together with appropriate “A.A. “ (alternative airways) control and road blocks, are at present ensuring that most visitors to Bath will maximise their stay in our lovely heritage City.


There exists however, grave doubts amongst the local business community as to whether these  actions will have the required effect on trading losses that have been incurred so far as a result of the inclement weather conditions prevailing at this time..

Emergency council meetings are scheduled for later today, the members will discuss the merits of re-instating the heli-pad facility on the roof of the Abbey .. which was a removed at considerable cost to the rate payers in 1936, after complaints when the Emperor Hilas Sallasi being provided with this facility when he visited the city after losing power in Ethopia.

There is hope for the local economy in the near future, as a proposed new breathing tax is under investigation by the departments of Trade & Health, strategies proposed here arise from the thought that those unable to afford the new tax will be allowed to die naturally, this of course will relieve the present financial strain on both the Local Area Health Authority, and the social benefits agency.

Please be advised that all late breaking news will not appear unless the government say so .. Bill, the Peoples Pen Pushing Friend


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Messing with Ur Ed !


You are my sunshine ..


I Will Survive..


Christmas is a`coming !


The Trust




News flash .. Flood alert


The Garden

An English scene of tranquil bliss,

I live my life for all of this,

And so much more can I enjoy,

Remembering time, when I was a boy,


The bugs and beetles scurried past,

For then my life, the pace was fast,

I waited not for flowers to grow,

But watched the seeds begin to sow,


I looked upon the garden then,

As one aged 9 or maybe 10,

I could not foresee what would await,

When I would get to 68,


The flower lives, and then it dies,

Its petals, upturned toward the sky,

For when the bee lands on its face,

Its colour, is its saving grace.


The birds have come, and food have found,

Some on the branch, some on the ground,

They come to me, from far and wide,

To land and wait, down at my side,


My table, I do share with them,

And hope that they will come again,

For every year the blackbird brings,

Its chicks, for me, upon its wings,


I sit and wait, under my canopy,

And watch the sun set over me,

When the sky, has turned to red,

Away, I make unto my bed.


My dreams, they are of summers long,

For in my schooldays, they come from,

The years of pain, to haunt me now,

This crease, to make upon my brow,


For I am wise, but still afraid,

Of things I`ll miss, when I am laid,

Beneath this earth, I do love so,

To watch the stars, from down below.

    Tears that Fall

The tears they fell, like falling pain,

As if to cleanse my ageing brain,

Perhaps to clear a way, for thoughts anew,

and soothe the trauma, I am going through.


I stand alone, by that riverside,

It makes me so, feel like suicide,

That you did never, became my bride,

Shared time with me, stood by my side.


I still carry with, inside of me,

A picture, and such memories,

Of time with happiness, without end,

You beside me, became my friend.


I`ll leave my body soon enough,

But though my going may be tough,

At last I`ll get to see your smile,

Your thoughts again, will me beguile.


That last thing, I have left to do,

To say farewell, to me and you,

I never will, see soft summer rain,

Fall upon your face, so fair again.


      The Beacon

A beacon flashes in the night,

its bright and glaring shaft of light,

pierces the mist, the dull and gloom,

that hides it self inside my room,


Like water down a waterfall,

The adrenaline rush goes right thro` me,

Of inspiration that lies within,

I am simply not aware at all,

Into this light for I must stare,

To find for me what`s waiting there,


I sit her now with pen in hand,

For ideas that sound so good or grand,

And still I feel the need to say,

My thoughts remain of yesterday,


When in my eye I see the face,

That gave to me such sweet embrace,

The eyes so bright and spark `aling,

They flash once more so beckoning,


For we cannot count on memories,

To justify what might have been.

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