Father hood, new jobs to suppliment our income from the shop and Studio. Another car Rover 110 (PPN 922), after selling the Rover 2000 (CGL 512D) to help with the initial payment to Melcombe James for Maggs Hill building.

I could no longer help with the project at Sydney Wharf so Martin & Rodney Baker were helping Malcolm with the building repointing and sewrers.


Morning Job 7.00 a.m. start. Money was tight , we had used up our savings , I was working 7 days a week to make ends meet.. Morning job was 7.00 a.m. start at Cobbs Bakery in Jews Lane , Bath.  Some of the benefits from this  new extra work were Cream cakes from Cobbs Bakery at Jews Lane, Twerton. working there 5 and 1/2 days a week. Another new Bath Cash & Carry store to visit nearby , and sales to staff at the Bakery were picking up. On day one I dented the nearside door on the Transit, tried to repair it before anyone saw it, no hardener in the body filler... Duh ! .. still not very bright !


Afternoon Job 1.00 p.m. start. Working at Bath T.V. 78 Walcot Street, Bath in the afternoons and evening unitl 9.00 p.m. Monday to Saturday.

Lunchtime Mon - Sat was spent at Walcot Street ,  with Gordon White at Malcolm James TV sgop reparing and refurbishing TV receivers. 


Weekend Job 9.00 a.m. start  Off to Hartcliffe Way cash & Carry in Bristol to restock hardware shop. Back to work in the Studio with Phil Parsons if any of the bookings turned up ! . The afternoons were spent in the fledgling Studio trying to get people to be creative with their music.  A few times Phil and I were sat there twiddling our thumbs because some band had had a busy night on Saturday. Usually it involved spending all their money on drink instead of with us !


We still found time to be together as a new family in the good weather that we enjoyed that year. Again , it was an ewventful time with a lot of pressure to get it right placed on our inexperienced shoulders.  But we had Doris & Harold ( Mother and Father in law ) to guide us in the right direction , and to help us eat the Black Currant flan cakes from Cobbs Bakery !!.. The were to die ofr , haven't seen them in the shops since .


I gfuess that as I write this story , some of it will come back to me and I'll get to add it as and when ...so , just watch this space !!




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  Our Son Andrew

Stretching those legs !, In the garden at his Grans house 29 Ashley Road, Bathford. May 1972 (ish)


With his Dad at Victoria Park, Bath in the summer time. Note the long hair & shirt !


On the same day, nearly on Mums lap, note the skirt !

Or was this a wide belt ?

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